Friday 27 April 2012

hi guys and girls

just wanted to put a quick note to everyone that sorry i didnt post a picture today of my makeup etc (thinking i might do a foundation routine) had some drama with my mums car so i got to spend then day playing taxi for my mum today and had no time but i will do it as soon as possible.

i hope everyone is well and keeping safe and i will touch base with you all tomorrow.

mwah take care.

Thursday 26 April 2012

my acne journey continue

Ok everyone so here as promised is a photo of me tonight after I have washed my makeup off.

So this is me after being on isotrex gel and akamin tablets for 2 months and 3 weeks L cant wait to go back to the dermatologist next week and see what the next step is, I think its Accutane but I’m not sure we will see I just really want it gone.

After that note tomorrow I will have to put up a photo of me with makeup on so you can see im not so ugly on a daily bases.
mwah take care and and see you tomorrow.

my ance journey

my acne journey.............
i have been seeing a dermotoligist for 3 months now and still getting no where :(

i started suffering from acne 9 and a half years ago when i was pregnant with my first and have suffered with it since then, no doctor would give me anything to treat it as i always voiced the fact i wanted more children and none of the thought it was worth the risk or i guess they thought i might get pregnant while on treatment...... well i had my second baby nearly a year ago now and sort treatment for my acne 3 months ago.

for the last 3 months i have been on the treatment isotrex gel and akamin tablets and still nothing the only thing i have noticed is my eye lids are so dry and cracked it hurts so bad.

my dermotoligist told me when a 3 weeks ago that in a month i should have complete resoloutin well i have one week till i go back for my next app and i can promise you my skin is looking no better and he said the next step is roacctain but that he would avoid it as much as he could but i am desperate to have this gone, i have no confidence in the way i look and feel so ugly.

this is my skin before i started treatment tonight i will take a picture od my skin 3 months into treatmeant.

i will openly state i am a (picker) poper the only thing i hate more then the sores on my face is the big pimples that feel like they stick out a mile for the world to see and i know its bad for me to do but eveyone had bad habits and this is mine :( thats why ultamently i want no pimples on my face cos if i didnt have them i wouldnt be touching them look forward to talking to you all again soon.

mwah take care :)

indroducing me :)

i just wanted to take this chance to introduce myself, my name is karli and i am 26 with 2 boys blake and marko.
i am new to this blogger thing but love make up and wanted to share my thoughts so here goes my first attempt at blogging.
i will also be sharing my journey with ance here aswell :)