Wednesday 17 October 2012


hi guys
just wanna say sorry i have been MIA lately life has been so full on and so busy so sorry about that i am hoping to be back real soon miss you all

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Inglot dramatic eyes

Hi guys
How are we all today?????
Today I came up with a more dramatic look for you using silvers and greys and of course they are all inglot eye shadows.
Hope you all we and looking after yourself.
Please if you want reviews on anything or have any comments please leave them below.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Inglot everyday look

Hi guys,
How are we all today ?????
Today I thought I would bring you another everyday eye shadow look using my inglot colours so nothing special but I missed you all so was thinking of you all when I did this I hope you like please feel free to leave any comments below would love to hear from you all.
And remember no amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Hop Shop Go Review :(


Hi guys,

How are we all today?????

Today I’m hereto talk about a company I have tried to use online called Hop Shop Go and if you don’t want to waste your money keep reading.

This company offers a service for people who want to buy American products from site that only ship within the US you can ship to their address in the US and they redirect to your address in another country, I’m located in Australia.

As far as I know this company is part of PayPal but I am not 100%.

So now my story, I went on one of their recommended websites and ordered some makeup I ordered $50 worth. I waited till my packages arrived as they tell you via email when they have arrived.

Now the biggest thing that annoyed me was they advertise that they will repack the items for you to make the shipping less and yet when I looked at my statements it said repacking not available. When I questioned them on this their response was we do not combine multiple packages into one during consolidation so this totally confusing me don’t say you repack the items if you don’t???

So then asked how much is the shipping going to cost me and she said $52 which is more then I paid for the products as well that’s not including fuel surcharge and insurance like seriously what the hell.

If I can say anything is don’t waste you money I told them to keep the products cos I will just lose more money telling them to post them then I already have, this site is just out to rip you off don’t use them.

Monday 20 August 2012

Inglot review and swatches

Hi guys,
So I thought it was about time I did my inglot review and yes I have finally taken photos of swatchesJ
First of all i want to start out my saying that these eye shadows are amazing they are extremely pigmented and SO easy to blend.
I know at $10 per single eye shadow they can add up really quickly  and become what seems very expensive but I have been using my neutral palette every day for maybe 3months now and you can’t even see it except for the high lighter which I use inner corner of eye and brow bone every day.
However to do find the rainbow colour shadow are not as pigmented as the full single eye shadow but a strong pigment can be achieved by packing the colour on with a patting motion.
I have another everyday look and a colourful look coming soon but today I am leaving this solely review and swatches.
I would like that state that I am not sponsored by inglot and have brought all these products with my own money.
Over all I love these eye shadows I think the single colour are better and more pigmented then the rainbow shadows but think they are will amazing.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Inglot Creation (everyday)

Hi guys,
I am getting really bad at going MIA aren’t I !!!!! lol I am sorry, and I know we all say it buti have been so busy working looking after the house etc, so once again sorry and I am trying to do the best I can.
I know I promised to do my inglot review next but I haven’t had time to do swatches yet so I promise I will try do that tomorrow.
But I have managed to do my makeup one morning (well I do my makeup everyday) lol and get photos of it.
So this is a look I created using all inglot eye shadows I am also wearing lnglot blush here aswell, I hope you like what I have created and I have more coming.

Until next time stay positive have fun and enjoy life.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Been naughty today

Hi guys,
How are we all today?????
Well today I was really naughty and went to inglot cosmetics J and treated myself I got 9 new eye shadows and2 blushes I plan on doing a full review on inglot eye shadows but for today I just  you some updated picture but will go to more depth in my full review which I will be posting soon I hope you like and I will be back soon
Until then take care talk soon and stay positive.