Tuesday 31 July 2012

How i FINALLY cleared my acne!!!!

Hi guys,
How are we all today?????
Let’s get back what we know I love makeup but more importantly today I want to talk about my acne.
As we all know I suffered from acne for going on 10 years and I think I might have finally cleared it and I am over the moon.
I do currently have 2 cystic acne spots and I truly believe they are from forgetting to wash my makeup off one night when we got home late one night, so just so it is stated I know I have one spot in my cleared photo but I have had clear skin for over a month so I hope you can see the difference.
Now to the important part how I got rid of my acne.
I thought for so long that if you had acne you had oily skin, I thought these things went hand in hand that you bust have oily skin to have acne it wasn’t until I realised that it is possible to have dry skin and have acne that everything changed for me. My skin always felt dry but I thought I was doing the right thing by drying the oil out that my acne would go but I was researching how to figure out what skin type I had that it said if your face fills tight after washing it you have dry skin this triggered in my head that when I watched video by diamonds and heel on you tube that she said if you dry your skin out while treating acne your body only makes more oil to combat this in turn making your acne worse, it was then that I realised I had been making my body make too much oil to fix me drying out that iwas making it worse and within 2 weeks of using a good moisturiser twice a day I could see a big difference and within 3 weeks all my acne was gone J
So basically what I am trying to say is don’t think because you have acne you have oily skin take the time to find out what your skin type is and treat it accordingly please if you have any questions just ask i am happy to help if I can. J
So until next time please stay positive reliese one day your acne will be gone and until then there is someamazing make up products to cover it up just remember one thing wash is off at night!!! J

Monday 30 July 2012

Update part 2

Hi guys,
How are we all????
Well this is update part 2 J
 Ok so I just wrote this and managed to delete it L
So here we go again J I started my new job the day after we got back from holiday and have been working fulltime for the first 4 weeks I was working 7 days a week and for the last 2 weeks I have had Saturday off but have had to catch up with family etc, and i can assure you it’s a real change going from having all the time in the world to having to find time to do the house work let alone to do my hobbies but I have relies the only one that can make time to do it and I will be from now on and I really look forward to getting back to talking about the things I am passionate about ance and make up.
If you do read my blog and like to follow it please leave a comment below just soi know but it is ok if you don’t wont to cos I will keep reading it anyway.
Until next time stay positive and strong but always have fun.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Update part 1

Hi guys,
How are we all?????
Ok let get down to business where the hell have I been the last 2 months,  well we all know I have been MIA lol. Well let’s just say a lot has been happening.

Firstly I went away on holiday J to Thailand with my fiancé for 8 days, we had an amazing time and had some great fun away from the children.

We went shopping in Patong and Phuket city , elephant trekking , to see the big budda, clubbing (and seen things you could never imagine), to see the Fanta Sea show as well lazed by the pool here are just a few photos of our holiday.
Lol ok so I was going to write everything in this I one blog but I have so many photos I want to show you guys so I will update you all on what I have been up to since we got back in the next post.
So until tomorrow stay safe, stay positive and have fun. J
PS/ upcoming acne update with some exciting news J  

Friday 27 July 2012

im back after being MIA

hi guys,
sorry i know i have been mia for a few months been super busy but will be back soon.
stay safe and positive and see you all soon.