Saturday 28 July 2012

Update part 1

Hi guys,
How are we all?????
Ok let get down to business where the hell have I been the last 2 months,  well we all know I have been MIA lol. Well let’s just say a lot has been happening.

Firstly I went away on holiday J to Thailand with my fiancé for 8 days, we had an amazing time and had some great fun away from the children.

We went shopping in Patong and Phuket city , elephant trekking , to see the big budda, clubbing (and seen things you could never imagine), to see the Fanta Sea show as well lazed by the pool here are just a few photos of our holiday.
Lol ok so I was going to write everything in this I one blog but I have so many photos I want to show you guys so I will update you all on what I have been up to since we got back in the next post.
So until tomorrow stay safe, stay positive and have fun. J
PS/ upcoming acne update with some exciting news J  

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