Monday 30 July 2012

Update part 2

Hi guys,
How are we all????
Well this is update part 2 J
 Ok so I just wrote this and managed to delete it L
So here we go again J I started my new job the day after we got back from holiday and have been working fulltime for the first 4 weeks I was working 7 days a week and for the last 2 weeks I have had Saturday off but have had to catch up with family etc, and i can assure you it’s a real change going from having all the time in the world to having to find time to do the house work let alone to do my hobbies but I have relies the only one that can make time to do it and I will be from now on and I really look forward to getting back to talking about the things I am passionate about ance and make up.
If you do read my blog and like to follow it please leave a comment below just soi know but it is ok if you don’t wont to cos I will keep reading it anyway.
Until next time stay positive and strong but always have fun.

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