hi guys
just wanna say sorry i have been MIA lately life has been so full on and so busy so sorry about that i am hoping to be back real soon miss you all
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Inglot dramatic eyes
Hi guys
How are we all today?????
Today I came up with a more dramatic look for you using
silvers and greys and of course they are all inglot eye shadows.
Hope you all we and looking after yourself.
Please if you want reviews on anything or have any comments please
leave them below.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Inglot everyday look
Hi guys,
How are we all today ?????
Today I thought I would bring you another everyday eye
shadow look using my inglot colours so nothing special but I missed you all so
was thinking of you all when I did this I hope you like please feel free to
leave any comments below would love to hear from you all.
And remember no amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Hop Shop Go Review :(
Hi guys,
How are we all today?????
Today I’m hereto talk about a company I have tried to use
online called Hop Shop Go and if you don’t want to waste your money keep reading.
This company offers a service for people who want to buy American
products from site that only ship within the US you can ship to their address
in the US and they redirect to your address in another country, I’m located in
As far as I know this company is part of PayPal but I am not
So now my story, I went on one of their recommended websites
and ordered some makeup I ordered $50 worth. I waited till my packages arrived
as they tell you via email when they have arrived.
Now the biggest thing that annoyed me was they advertise that
they will repack the items for you to make the shipping less and yet when I looked
at my statements it said repacking not available. When I questioned them on
this their response was we do not combine multiple packages into one during
consolidation so this totally confusing me don’t say you repack the items if
you don’t???
So then asked how much is the shipping going to cost me and
she said $52 which is more then I paid for the products as well that’s not including
fuel surcharge and insurance like seriously what the hell.
If I can say anything is don’t waste you money I told them
to keep the products cos I will just lose more money telling them to post them
then I already have, this site is just out to rip you off don’t use them.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Inglot review and swatches
Hi guys,
So I thought it was about time I did my inglot review and
yes I have finally taken photos of swatchesJ
First of all i want to start out my saying that these eye
shadows are amazing they are extremely pigmented and SO easy to blend.
I know at $10 per single eye shadow they can add up really quickly
and become what seems very expensive but
I have been using my neutral palette every day for maybe 3months now and you can’t
even see it except for the high lighter which I use inner corner of eye and
brow bone every day.
However to do find the rainbow colour shadow are not as pigmented
as the full single eye shadow but a strong pigment can be achieved by packing the
colour on with a patting motion.
I have another everyday look and a colourful look coming
soon but today I am leaving this solely review and swatches.
I would like that state that I am not sponsored by inglot
and have brought all these products with my own money.
Over all I love these eye shadows I think the single colour
are better and more pigmented then the rainbow shadows but think they are will
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Inglot Creation (everyday)
Hi guys,
I am getting really bad at going MIA aren’t I !!!!! lol I am
sorry, and I know we all say it buti have been so busy working looking after
the house etc, so once again sorry and I am trying to do the best I can.
I know I promised to do my inglot review next but I haven’t had
time to do swatches yet so I promise I will try do that tomorrow.
But I have managed to do my makeup one morning (well I do my
makeup everyday) lol and get photos of it.
So this is a look I created using all inglot eye shadows I am
also wearing lnglot blush here aswell, I hope you like what I have created and I
have more coming.
Until next time stay positive have fun and enjoy life.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Been naughty today
Hi guys,
How are we all today?????
Well today I was really naughty and went to inglot cosmetics
J and treated myself I got
9 new eye shadows and2 blushes I plan on doing a full review on inglot eye
shadows but for today I just you some
updated picture but will go to more depth in my full review which I will be
posting soon I hope you like and I will be back soon
Until then take care talk soon and stay positive.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Video editing issues.
Hey guys,
How are we all today????
Sorry I have been MIA again I have spent the last 3 days
trying to trying to edit videos with no luck the 2 programs I use dont want to
work on my new laptop soi am trying a new
program so please bear with me and don’t hate lol im not ignoring you I swear
also I have placed 2 orders on hop shop go but they have not yet arrived at my American
address so I will keep you up to date with that too but in future I think I will
be using my mums friends address and she will forward it to me.
So please be patient with me hopefully I will have something
for you soon.
Ps if you have any topics you would like me to talk about
please let me know in a comment below and I will happily do that for you guys.
Stay strong, positive and until soon keep smiling.
Friday, 3 August 2012
Hop Shop Go
Hi guys,
How are we all today?????
Sorry I haven’t been around the last few days I have been
unwell but am getting better slowly.
Today I did manage to film a few videos so I will hopefully
edit them over the weekend and start putting them on youtube next week.
Also today i placed my first order through hop shop go so I cant
wait to see how this goesJit
will make things so much cheaper for me if it works lol Jim abit excited.
I am going to leave this one short I just wanted to touch
base and tell you all I haven’t dropped of the face of the earth again, I am
going to start editing some videos.
Until next time stay safe be positive and stay strong.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
How i FINALLY cleared my acne!!!!
Hi guys,
How are we all today?????
Let’s get back what we know I love makeup but more
importantly today I want to talk about my acne.
As we all know I suffered from acne for going on 10 years
and I think I might have finally cleared it and I am over the moon.
I do currently have 2 cystic acne spots and I truly believe
they are from forgetting to wash my makeup off one night when we got home late one
night, so just so it is stated I know I have one spot in my cleared photo but I
have had clear skin for over a month so I hope you can see the difference.
Now to the important part how I got rid of my acne.
I thought for so long that if you had acne you had oily skin,
I thought these things went hand in hand that you bust have oily skin to have acne
it wasn’t until I realised that it is possible to have dry skin and have acne
that everything changed for me. My skin always felt dry but I thought I was
doing the right thing by drying the oil out that my acne would go but I was researching
how to figure out what skin type I had that it said if your face fills tight
after washing it you have dry skin this triggered in my head that when I watched
video by diamonds and heel on you tube that she said if you dry your skin out
while treating acne your body only makes more oil to combat this in turn making
your acne worse, it was then that I realised I had been making my body make too
much oil to fix me drying out that iwas making it worse and within 2 weeks of
using a good moisturiser twice a day I could see a big difference and within 3
weeks all my acne was gone J
So basically what I am trying to say is don’t think because
you have acne you have oily skin take the time to find out what your skin type
is and treat it accordingly please if you have any questions just ask i am
happy to help if I can. J
So until next time please stay positive reliese one day your
acne will be gone and until then there is someamazing make up products to cover
it up just remember one thing wash is off at night!!! J
Monday, 30 July 2012
Update part 2
Hi guys,
How are we all????
Well this is update part 2 J
Ok so I just wrote
this and managed to delete it L
So here we go again J
I started my new job the day after we got back from holiday and have been working
fulltime for the first 4 weeks I was working 7 days a week and for the last 2
weeks I have had Saturday off but have had to catch up with family etc, and i
can assure you it’s a real change going from having all the time in the world
to having to find time to do the house work let alone to do my hobbies but I have
relies the only one that can make time to do it and I will be from now on and I
really look forward to getting back to talking about the things I am passionate
about ance and make up.
If you do read my blog and like to follow it please leave a
comment below just soi know but it is ok if you don’t wont to cos I will keep
reading it anyway.
Until next time stay positive and strong but always have fun.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Update part 1
Hi guys,

PS/ upcoming acne update with some exciting news J
How are we all?????
Ok let get down to business where the hell have I been the
last 2 months, well we all know I have
been MIA lol. Well let’s just say a lot has been happening.
Firstly I went away on holiday J to Thailand with my fiancé
for 8 days, we had an amazing time and had some great fun away from the
We went shopping in Patong and Phuket city , elephant
trekking , to see the big budda, clubbing (and seen things you could never imagine),
to see the Fanta Sea show as well lazed by the pool here are just a few photos
of our holiday.
Lol ok so I was going to write everything in this I one blog
but I have so many photos I want to show you guys so I will update you all on
what I have been up to since we got back in the next post.
So until tomorrow stay safe, stay positive and have fun. JPS/ upcoming acne update with some exciting news J
Friday, 27 July 2012
im back after being MIA
hi guys,
sorry i know i have been mia for a few months been super busy but will be back soon.
stay safe and positive and see you all soon.
sorry i know i have been mia for a few months been super busy but will be back soon.
stay safe and positive and see you all soon.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Markos first hair cut
Hi guys,
How are we all today????
Well hre is day 1 of no photo challenge lol so today I thought
I would share with you all, my youngest son got his first ever hair cut I don’t
know why but I felt like I wanted to cry lol L
he has always been know for his long hair which he has had since he was born
and today we cut it off L.
Mind you in saying that he looks really cute, I took heaps of photos so I thought
I would include some here.
I thought tomorrow I was going to review all the mascaras I have
and what I think of them how they work
and my thoughts on them.
If you guys have anything you want me to review or anything
you want me to talk about
Please let me know and I am happy to do that you just have to ask or I wont
know lol .
Until then take care, look after yourself and stay positive
Day 30 YAY
Hi guys,
How are we all today????
OMG I cant believe its here its day 30 so here are my final
Now I am going to have to come up with other things to talk
about on my blog now lol J.
I think now I will get more in to reviews and talking more
about make up products etc.
I am going to leave this one short for now but I hope you
all had a great day today just as much as I did and I will talk to you all
tomorrow J
will have to think of something to talk about lol J
Talk care look after yourself and stay positive
Talk to you all tomorrow.
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Day 29
Hi guys,
How are we all today????
Here is my day 29 photos I cant believe tomorrow is the last
I had one of them days where nothing went right and was very
meh today lol but these things happen don’t though hopefully tomorrow I will be
back to my normal self tomorrow I think I am just going to go for a really long
walk and clear my head and distress I know it all little stuff but it feels
like everything is getting on top of me, we are travelling overseas at the end
of next week and its my first time flying over seas and being out of the
country so I am really nervous and scared and to top it off my boys aren’t coming
with me L I
need the break but I don’t know why I am so scared.
I will leave this one here I cant wait to take tomorrows
photos and make it into a video.
So until tomorrow take care look after yourself and stay
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Day 28
Hey guys,
How are we all today??????
Well me and the baby had a pyjama day today so I didn’t put
any makeup on till tonight and tried to do a pink look and the lighting is
rubbish and the look didn’t really work out to well so sorry todays photos are
rubbish but here they are anyway.
So excited going shopping tomorrow kid free and excited
gotta get a few birthday presents and hoping to fill my inglot palette J
I am going to leave this one short as I only cleaned the
house and folded piles of washing and did heaps off ironing L lol the joys of being
a stay at home mum I guess lol.
Until tomorrow take care look after yourself and be positive
Monday, 28 May 2012
Day 27
Hey guys.
How are we all today????????
Here are my day 27 photos……..
I actually forgot to take my photos in the morning so I had
to wait till I washed my makeup off tonight so sorry about that my skin look irritated
lol cos it was just washed.
I cant believe it is day 27 and there is only 3 days left
till I have finished this challenge I must say I am very proud of myself for
getting this fair without getting to lazy to put my makeup on or forgetting to
take photos until today when I for to do my before shot so I had to do it
tonight and there is only 3 days to go!!!! I was thinking of turning my 30 days’
worth of photos into a YouTube video or something what do you guys think?????
I am going to leave this one here I am editing videos for YouTube
now to upload so have a good night and speak to you all tomorrow.
Until then stay safe look after yourself and be positive J.
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Hey guys,
How are we all today???????
Omg do you know how frustrating it is I can’t figure out is
my skin oily or is it dry I have bad acne as you can all tell lol. But when I wash
my face if I don’t moisturise within 5 min my face feels so dry and tight and
yuk its not funny and to top it off I have the most sensitive eye lids u can imagine
I have to be so careful what products I put on my eyes, I don’t know what
product has done it which is a little concerning but I have burnt them again
they are extremely dry and cracked and painful at the moment I know last time
this happened it was the nation young range cleanser that did it cos it was the
only thing I changed was that and I stopped using it on my eyes and they healed
and then about 2 weeks later half asleep in the shower I did it again and the
same thing happened and I mean this is only doing it once not over a period of
time so I just stopped using that line of products but now they are cracked and
dry and sore again and I don’t know why L
I hope its not the new inglot eye shadows I got but I really don’t think so.
Well I still stop my rambling and get on with the task at
hand day 26 photos here they are J
I managed to get my hand on the computer everyday this
weekend even if only for a short time to put my blogs up J
So until tomorrow take care look after yourself and stay
Friday, 25 May 2012
Day 25
Hi guys,

How are we all today?????
Here are my day 25 photos………………..
In these photos I am wearing my inglot eye shadows and my
estee lauder maximum coverage camouflage double wear foundation sample I got yesterday(with
no concealer). Let me know what you think J
Sorry this one is short and sweet but I have to leave it
here for today about to go to work and drop the kids at my mums and everything
like that lol J
Is there any products you want me to review or anything like
that please let me know I am making you tube videos at the moment which is why I
don’t have all that much to say on here but they are just tag videos, so please
feel free to check my channel out the link is below.
Until tomorrow look after yourself, stay positive and have
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