Sunday 27 May 2012


Hey guys,
How are we all today???????
Omg do you know how frustrating it is I can’t figure out is my skin oily or is it dry I have bad acne as you can all tell lol. But when I wash my face if I don’t moisturise within 5 min my face feels so dry and tight and yuk its not funny and to top it off I have the most sensitive eye lids u can imagine I have to be so careful what products I put on my eyes, I don’t know what product has done it which is a little concerning but I have burnt them again they are extremely dry and cracked and painful at the moment I know last time this happened it was the nation young range cleanser that did it cos it was the only thing I changed was that and I stopped using it on my eyes and they healed and then about 2 weeks later half asleep in the shower I did it again and the same thing happened and I mean this is only doing it once not over a period of time so I just stopped using that line of products but now they are cracked and dry and sore again and I don’t know why L I hope its not the new inglot eye shadows I got but I really don’t think so.
Well I still stop my rambling and get on with the task at hand day 26 photos here they are J
I managed to get my hand on the computer everyday this weekend even if only for a short time to put my blogs up J
So until tomorrow take care look after yourself and stay positive.

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