Wednesday 30 May 2012

Day 29

Hi guys,
How are we all today????
Here is my day 29 photos I cant believe tomorrow is the last day.
I had one of them days where nothing went right and was very meh today lol but these things happen don’t though hopefully tomorrow I will be back to my normal self tomorrow I think I am just going to go for a really long walk and clear my head and distress I know it all little stuff but it feels like everything is getting on top of me, we are travelling overseas at the end of next week and its my first time flying over seas and being out of the country so I am really nervous and scared and to top it off my boys aren’t coming with me L I need the break but I don’t know why I am so scared.
I will leave this one here I cant wait to take tomorrows photos and make it into a video.
So until tomorrow take care look after yourself and stay positive.

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