Thursday 31 May 2012

Markos first hair cut

Hi guys,
How are we all today????
Well hre is day 1 of no photo challenge lol so today I thought I would share with you all, my youngest son got his first ever hair cut I don’t know why but I felt like I wanted to cry lol L he has always been know for his long hair which he has had since he was born and today we cut it off L. Mind you in saying that he looks really cute, I took heaps of photos so I thought I would include some here.
I thought tomorrow I was going to review all the mascaras I have and what I think of them  how they work and my thoughts on them.
If you guys have anything you want me to review or anything you want me to talk about
Please let me know and I am happy  to do that you just have to ask or I wont know lol .
Until then take care, look after yourself  and stay positive

Day 30 YAY

Hi guys,
How are we all today????
OMG I cant believe its here its day 30 so here are my final photos……..
Now I am going to have to come up with other things to talk about on my blog now lol J.
I think now I will get more in to reviews and talking more about make up products etc.
I am going to leave this one short for now but I hope you all had a great day today just as much as I did and I will talk to you all tomorrow J will have to think of something to talk about lol J
Talk care look after yourself and stay positive
Talk to you all tomorrow.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Day 29

Hi guys,
How are we all today????
Here is my day 29 photos I cant believe tomorrow is the last day.
I had one of them days where nothing went right and was very meh today lol but these things happen don’t though hopefully tomorrow I will be back to my normal self tomorrow I think I am just going to go for a really long walk and clear my head and distress I know it all little stuff but it feels like everything is getting on top of me, we are travelling overseas at the end of next week and its my first time flying over seas and being out of the country so I am really nervous and scared and to top it off my boys aren’t coming with me L I need the break but I don’t know why I am so scared.
I will leave this one here I cant wait to take tomorrows photos and make it into a video.
So until tomorrow take care look after yourself and stay positive.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day 28

Hey guys,
How are we all today??????
Well me and the baby had a pyjama day today so I didn’t put any makeup on till tonight and tried to do a pink look and the lighting is rubbish and the look didn’t really work out to well so sorry todays photos are rubbish but here they are anyway.
So excited going shopping tomorrow kid free and excited gotta get a few birthday presents and hoping to fill my inglot palette J
I am going to leave this one short as I only cleaned the house and folded piles of washing and did heaps off ironing L lol the joys of being a stay at home mum I guess lol.
Until tomorrow take care look after yourself and be positive .

Monday 28 May 2012

Day 27

Hey guys.
How are we all today????????
Here are my day 27 photos……..
I actually forgot to take my photos in the morning so I had to wait till I washed my makeup off tonight so sorry about that my skin look irritated lol cos it was just washed.
I cant believe it is day 27 and there is only 3 days left till I have finished this challenge I must say I am very proud of myself for getting this fair without getting to lazy to put my makeup on or forgetting to take photos until today when I for to do my before shot so I had to do it tonight and there is only 3 days to go!!!! I was thinking of turning my 30 days’ worth of photos into a YouTube video or something what do you guys think?????
I am going to leave this one here I am editing videos for YouTube now to upload so have a good night and speak to you all tomorrow.
Until then stay safe look after yourself and be positive J.

Sunday 27 May 2012


Hey guys,
How are we all today???????
Omg do you know how frustrating it is I can’t figure out is my skin oily or is it dry I have bad acne as you can all tell lol. But when I wash my face if I don’t moisturise within 5 min my face feels so dry and tight and yuk its not funny and to top it off I have the most sensitive eye lids u can imagine I have to be so careful what products I put on my eyes, I don’t know what product has done it which is a little concerning but I have burnt them again they are extremely dry and cracked and painful at the moment I know last time this happened it was the nation young range cleanser that did it cos it was the only thing I changed was that and I stopped using it on my eyes and they healed and then about 2 weeks later half asleep in the shower I did it again and the same thing happened and I mean this is only doing it once not over a period of time so I just stopped using that line of products but now they are cracked and dry and sore again and I don’t know why L I hope its not the new inglot eye shadows I got but I really don’t think so.
Well I still stop my rambling and get on with the task at hand day 26 photos here they are J
I managed to get my hand on the computer everyday this weekend even if only for a short time to put my blogs up J
So until tomorrow take care look after yourself and stay positive.

Friday 25 May 2012

Day 25

Hi guys,
How are we all today?????
Here are my day 25 photos………………..
In these photos I am wearing my inglot eye shadows and my estee lauder maximum coverage camouflage double wear foundation sample I got yesterday(with no concealer). Let me know what you think J
Sorry this one is short and sweet but I have to leave it here for today about to go to work and drop the kids at my mums and everything like that lol J
Is there any products you want me to review or anything like that please let me know I am making you tube videos at the moment which is why I don’t have all that much to say on here but they are just tag videos, so please feel free to check my channel out the link is below.
Until tomorrow look after yourself, stay positive and have fun.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Day 24

Hi guys,
How are we all today J???????
I am feeling much better I wont lie I resorted to retail therapyJ, yes I know its not a fix and only makes you feel better for a short time but hey I am so excited I spoilt myself and brought myself something I have wonted for so long but always refused to buy myself I got an inglot palette and 5 pigments I will put a picture below. I stuck with neutral colours cos I know I cant go wrong if I love them then I will think about getting some colours but at the moment I am just going to build a palette of neutrals.
Ok so here are my day 24 photos……
I also filmed 2 videos today a tag video and a haul with a few other things I grab while I was out as well so if you would like to check out my you tube channel here is the link……
I am sure I am going to be playing around with my makeup again tonight so if I come up with something nice I will film another tag video J
I will leave this one here for now so until tomorrow take care of yourself be positive and stay safe.
Also if you have any questions you would like to ask me etc please feel free to leave them below and I will happily answer them for you all, thanks again.

Day 23

Hi guys,
How are we all today????
I am feeling a little better today not about my skin I still hate that with a passion and seriously need to find the best full coverage foundation in the world that doesn’t make my face look caked on or painted on but that is just going to take time I guess and the worst part is at the moment its cystic acne really bad and no foundation will cover lumps and bumps. If my face was a BMX track they would all have a ball riding on it lol J
Well to the point here are my day 23 photos.
They aren’t the best but I think the way I am feeling is just coming across in the photos even tho I am trying to be happy and smiling in the photos.
I am going to edit another video and upload it to you tube feel free to check me out on you tube karlika1985 J
Until next time stay safe look after yourself and be positive.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 22

Hi guys,
How are we all today???????????
Well I can honestly say I have been better, you know when you go through them fazes where you feel so ugly you want to cry? When you feel it doesn’t matter how you dress or what you wear you look fat? No matter how much makeup you put on your acne and skin still looks that disgusting that you want to put a paper bag on your face so no one else has to look at your face. Well that’s how I feel today. I feel like a fat ugly disgusting pig and just want to cry L I just want my acne gone I feel like I have tried everything and nothing is working to the point it is depressing me I feel so low its not funny.
Here are my crappy day 22 photos.
Although I hate them I am determined to finish this 30 day challenge even if the photos are shit!
I am going to leave this one here cos as I am sure you can tell I am not in the best mood today.
Until next time look after yourself stay safe and try be a little more positive then I am lol J.

Day 21

Hi guys,
How are we all today???????????????
Here are my day 21 photos J
They aren’t the best photos today I don’t know why I just couldn’t seem to get a decent photo today I think it was cos I was so nervous about a job interview I had today for a new job hopefully I hear back from then soon J
I am really tired today so I am going to head of for a shower and go to bed.
I have just uploaded another video to you tube its old, its like the second video I ever recorded its my makeup collection its an old video and not very good quality and my collection is a  little different now but I will update it once I get my set up the way I want it.
Until next time take care look after yourself and see you all tomorrow.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Day 18, 19 and 20

Hi guys,
How are we all today????????
Well it’s been a long time since I managed to get onto the computer my partner is a major computer hog on the weekends. So when I have the money I am going to buy my own lap top J.
So because of the computer hog lol J here are 3 days’ worth of photos day 18, 19 and 20
                                                                             DAY 18
DAY 19

DAY 20
I have uploaded another video to you tube I did a video review of my essence eye liners so please go on over and check it out my name is karlika1985 I will be uploading as much as possible.
I hope everyone is well and looking after them self until tomorrow keep up the good work.