Wednesday 2 May 2012

Day 1

hi guy,

well here is day one.

this is by far not my best i was in a hurry and i couldnt get good lighting to take a nice picture :(

Today was my last day with my dermatologist, well his office advertises him as a one until today he informs me he can’t do anything else to help me with my acne and referred me to a demonologist to get Accutane L but I have decided I don’t want to go on Accutane I feel like the side effects are to bad and it’s such a full on drug to take and it seems with me any drug that has a side effect of effecting your mood I get it, the mood swings everything.

So I have to except I have acne there is nothing I can do about it and learn how to cover it the best I can and live with it L so I won’t lie I am feeling a little down and out today but  I will deal with it and move on J
take care and talk to you all tomorrow stay positive and strong :)

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