Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 16

Hi guys,
How are we all today????????????
Well here are my day 16 photos.
I spent the day at home cleaning and having fun with my little man so I don’t have anything interesting to share with you all but I did film an eye tutorial for this look today and have spent 3 hours editing it and saving it and I don’t know why but as soon as a I save it the music in it goes really basey however you would describe it lol so after 3 hours it is a pretty crappy video but what can I do I really wanna upload it cos I haven’t done a video in so long but I have learnt my lesson for next time that all you lovely people just have to listen to me ramble rubbish while I do it lol J
So its really late and I am really tired and am going to head off to bed I think I might have to upload the video tomorrow but I at least wanted to get my blog post up cos you are all amazing and supportive and that’s the most important thing to me.
So once again thank you for all your support please feel free to leave any comments below and until tomorrow stay safe look after yourself and be positive. J

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