Thursday 24 May 2012

Day 23

Hi guys,
How are we all today????
I am feeling a little better today not about my skin I still hate that with a passion and seriously need to find the best full coverage foundation in the world that doesn’t make my face look caked on or painted on but that is just going to take time I guess and the worst part is at the moment its cystic acne really bad and no foundation will cover lumps and bumps. If my face was a BMX track they would all have a ball riding on it lol J
Well to the point here are my day 23 photos.
They aren’t the best but I think the way I am feeling is just coming across in the photos even tho I am trying to be happy and smiling in the photos.
I am going to edit another video and upload it to you tube feel free to check me out on you tube karlika1985 J
Until next time stay safe look after yourself and be positive.

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