Monday 14 May 2012

Day 13

Hi guys,
Sorry about my absents and short blogs lately, life has been full on and busy lately, I know that’s not good enough but at the end of the day my family and kids must always come first.
Here are my day 13 photos sorry they aren’t the best, one of them days wasn’t feeling good and wasn’t looking it either lol but hey I still did it and took the photos and put my makeup on.

So we had a great weekend for my youngest sons 1st birthday so many family and friend came and it was a great day/ night he was very spoilt and had a lot of fun. I want to say a special thanks to my niece for making the cake Stefanie hoot from the cartoon giggle and hoot and to everyone who showed up and to the ones that didn’t (2) you missed out on a great night.
It was the day before mother’s day so I hope all future mothers days aren’t forgot like this one  cos of his birthday but I will forgive it this time cos it was his first birthday lol J
I will try and review some more products soon as I know I haven’t done any in a long time I am sorry I will try do them  soon as I know I haven’t done any for a while and am going to try make some more you tube videos soon as well.
Take care everyone look after yourself and talk tomorrow.

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