Sunday 6 May 2012

Day 5

Hi there everyone,

Here are my day 5 photos….

 I feel like these blogs are so boring at the moment but I don’t know what else to write so I guess I am going to tell you about my boring life lol. And today was especially boring well all except going shopping with my mum for to get my youngest sons 1st birthday present for Wednesday. I seriously don’t know where this year has goneit feels like it was only last week I was at the hospital having him and now he is going to be 1 on Wednesday but I am so happy. He still isn’t walking yet but I don’t think he is far off he is furniture walking and he will stand up in the middle of the room by him self but after about 10 seconds he will sit back down.
The only other thing that happened today was my partner changed my mums timing belt lol interesting hey lol I was just watching the kids and doing my as I call it bitch duties cleaning the house etc
I will leave this one here and go now and do another review.

Take care talk soon and stay safe.

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