Tuesday 8 May 2012

Day 7

Hi guys,
How are we all today????
Well well here we are again day 7 photos, I am pretty impressed I am still sticking to this I normally go at least 2 days a week not wearing makeup but I must admit I am loving I feel so much better about myself when I do my make up and make an effort to put something decent on, I do always go for the casual laid back look I’m not a big one for dressing up every day or following the latest fashions but I like to look nice but still be comfortable ok enough of the ramble here are day 7 photos…..

Omg my partner just told me a joke and I laughed so hard he said babe do u want me to explain the definition of lazy and I thought he was going to say something like karli and then I said ok and he goes back to me I can’t be bothered lmao J
I got all the essence prices today so I will update them in a minute and also realised I have more products then I remember so I will have to do some more reviews. I used their version of the HD setting powder today and remembered how much I loved it so I will use some more of the other products over the next couple of days and remember what I love and dislike about them and will review them in a few day.
Totally random and not beauty related at all but I can’t believe this time last year it was mother’s day and I had been in labour for 1 and a half hours sitting at home timing my contractions I can’t  believe my baby is going to be one tomorrow when the time has gone is beyond me and I don’t want him to grow up but I wished that with my first son and he is now 9 and a half so I guess I can wish all I want L it won’t happen tomorrow I will post pictures of the birthday boy the day he was born and then on his birthday.

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