Monday 7 May 2012

Day 6

Hi guys,

How are we all??? Sorry it’s so late today I don’t know if this is going to say it uploaded on the correct day as it is currently 11:29pm my partner hogged the computer all day today and I am trying to up load my blog post, gel liner review and a you tube video before I go to bed and it’s been a long day so enough of my rambling here are my day 6 photos……

 Had a great day today it was a public holiday here today so I got to go out to lunch today kid free for a family friends 82nd birthday (happy birthday Cecily).
Due to the fact it was a public holiday I wasn’t able to get the correct prices for the essence products but what I am going to do is put them in as I remember them and then I will update them as soon as I have the correct price I hope that is cool with you all.
I'm going to leave this one here today and promise I will try to write a more in depth blog tomorrow.
Take care look after yourself and talk to you all tomorrow.

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