Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 17

Hi guys,
How are we all today??????????????
Well I cant say I have had a good today L took my baby boy to get his 1 year needles today and he wasn’t happy in the first place cos I woke him from his nap to take him there and then of course he he screamed when they gave him his needles well all 3 of them and as any mother would know it’s the worst feeling in the world when you feel like its your fault that your child is in pain and you just want it to stop L
Ok enough of my rambling here are my day 17 photos.
I also recorded 2 more videos today which I will upload soon. I gave up last night trying to fix my first video and will try do that today its just going to be really quite.
Nah bugger it I think I will just rerecord it and talk through it instead of trying to over lay music I might just upload the one I did today instead.
I am going to leave this one here for now wish me luck for this video lol.
Take care look after your self and talk to you all tomorrow.

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