Monday 14 May 2012

Day 14

Hi guys,
How are we all today??????
Had a great day today went a caught up with an old friend I haven’t seen for over 6 months which was good then come home and spent some time with my not so small baby lol J
Get the day to myself tomorrow which will be great get some food shopping etc done and get my oldest son some new shoes.
I have written this blog earlier in the day because I I plan on reviewing some more essence products for you guys tonight which will be great I miss spending time just playing with my makeup lmao god I can be lame at times J lol
Ok well here are my day 14 photos they aren’t the best yet again I think I am just going through one of the fazes where nothing looks good and it doesn’t matter how much effort I put into my makeup it doesn’t turn out right lol.
Take care look after yourself and talk to you all tomorrow.

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