Wednesday 2 May 2012

Day 2

Hi guys,
Well here is day 2 I tried to get better lighting for these photos let me know what you think…. J

Im so excited I placed my first sigma order, I had put it off for a few months because postage is so much and I am one of them people that like instant gratification but unfortunately Australia is 10 years behind everywhere else especially America and I was looking around everywhere because I wanted a foundation brush like the sigma F80 any do you think I could find one anywhere…. Of course not after looking for months I found one in a store here called glamaco and when I seen the price it sealed the deal to order off sigma it was $39.95. Also in glamaco I found we can buy real technique brushes here even though they are $40 for the 4 pack compared to America $17.99.
Also brushes are so hard to find here like pencil brushes I had to look for months also for a pencil brush I found one at the same time I found the foundation brush and it cost me $11.95 and it can be a little frustrating when you know in America you can buy and elf one for $1.
Just some other comparisons I can think of are from what I hear and see if OPI nail polish in America are $6 here they are $19.95
The Revlon lip butters in America are $7.49 to buy one here its $21.95
The Revlon colorstay foundation is $11.99 in America and here it is $38.95
Lol Jso you get the point so unfortunately my makeup obsession is a little costly at times but it’s the only thing that gives me any confidence.
ALSO JI am just about to do my first international swap with an amazing girl who has offered to do a swap with me I am so excited I check my you tube account every few hours to see if she has written back I cant wait and I will keep you all upto date on how it is going so stay tuned J
Take care be safe and talk to you all again tomorrow thanks for reading.

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