Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 22

Hi guys,
How are we all today???????????
Well I can honestly say I have been better, you know when you go through them fazes where you feel so ugly you want to cry? When you feel it doesn’t matter how you dress or what you wear you look fat? No matter how much makeup you put on your acne and skin still looks that disgusting that you want to put a paper bag on your face so no one else has to look at your face. Well that’s how I feel today. I feel like a fat ugly disgusting pig and just want to cry L I just want my acne gone I feel like I have tried everything and nothing is working to the point it is depressing me I feel so low its not funny.
Here are my crappy day 22 photos.
Although I hate them I am determined to finish this 30 day challenge even if the photos are shit!
I am going to leave this one here cos as I am sure you can tell I am not in the best mood today.
Until next time look after yourself stay safe and try be a little more positive then I am lol J.

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